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Helping new students make the transition to their new school

18th April 2024
Students waving to camera

This summer term at Eaton Square School Senior, we welcomed 40+ new students coming from a local school. This was after the school unfortunately announced they were due for imminent closure. During their induction day (prior to the easter holiday), our students gave tours around the building providing new students with the useful insight they needed to make their seamless transition to a new school. The new students were able to forge friendships and were embraced into the vibrant community and ethos at ESS before even officially starting.

Here is what our students had to say to their new friends on their first day of Summer Term:

  • Just be yourself, and try your hardest in every subject. The people here are really nice so you can make friends really easily.
  • You can come to any student or teacher if you need help. Everyone in the school is very kind and compassionate, so hopefully you wont find it to much trouble joining the school.
  • The school may feel all scary and overwhelming at first, but over time you get used to it very quickly.

ESS’s approach to welcoming new students is distinguished by its dedication to individualised care and integration into the school community. However, such advice found in this article, can be of help directly to parents of students who may be finding it adjusting to a new school. Such advice includes:

  • Encourage them to try after school clubs to make friends in an environment where they feel more comfortable.
  • Help them adjust to their new routine by making sure they bring their PE kit on the correct days, and are up and early to give enough time to get used to the new journey route.

Together with a cooperative effort from parents and teachers, these initiatives ensure that new students experience a warm and seamless introduction to life at ESS.