

School Clubs

At Eaton Square Senior School, we offer students a range of lunch and after school clubs each term, these are usually based on student requests and what staff offer. During form time students are given the opportunity to select which club they would like to attend, with the guidance of their form tutors to ensure students are choosing appropriate choices and have a range of options to select from.

The students really enjoy some of the options that our teaching staff offer and have said that they find the clubs stimulating, fun and somewhat relaxing during the school day.

Here’s what a club timetable could typically look like:

Monday Lunch 1: Years 9, 10 & 11 Lunch 2: Years 7 & 8  |  Games: Year 11
  Crafts (TFA)
Book Club (SMP)
Nature and Wildlife (STE)
Rock Band (Mr Short)
Arts Showcase* (JRF)
Yoga (Hazel)
Mindfulness (AGC)
Music – Pop/Rock Band Performance (DDS)
Park (MHA)
Table Tennis (HGT)
 Tuesday Lunch 1: Years 7, 8 & 9 Lunch 2: Years 10 & 11 |  Games: Years 8 & 9
  Y11 Science (ABA)
Y11 Geography (NJL)
KS4 Maths Challenge (AAG)
Psychology (OR)
Science Club (TFA)
Film Club (DTG) 
Chess (BVA)
Music (DDS) 
Board Games (HSH) 
Poetry & Creative Writing (SMP) 
 Wednesday Lunch 1: Years 7 & 8  Lunch 2: Years 9, 10 & 11  |  Games: Years 7 & 8
  Y11 French (VCS)
Y11 Spanish (AGC)
Y11 History (SLR/HSH)
Y11 Drama (JRF)
Y11 PE (GC) 
Park (MHA)   
Chess Coaching (BVA+external)
Board Games (LRL)
School Newsletter (SMP) 
Thursday Lunch 1: Years 9, 10 & 11 Lunch 2: Years 7 & 8  |  Games: Years 9 & 10
  Board Games (MGR)
Crafts (GBD)
Cooking Club (Flo – external)
Pop Culture (SLR) 
KS3 Maths Challenge (AAG) 
Mindfulness (AGC) 
Y11 Drama (JRF)
Y11 Maths (AAG)
Y11 Music (DDS)
Y11 History (HT)
 Friday Lunch 1: Years 7, 8 & 9 Lunch 2: Years 10 & 11  |  Games: Year 7
  Y11 English (SMP/SKH)
Y11 Business Studies/Econ (RNA)
Y11 Computer Science (SBE)
Board Games (HSH)
Science Club (AKB)
Rock Band (Mr Short) 
Cooking Club* (Flo – external) 
Italian Culture (CVE)
Rock Band (Mr Short)
Table Tennis (MHA)
Nature and Wildlife (STE)