Aims and Values

Our Vision

To equip our pupils with the skills to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Our Mission

To provide an exceptional all-round education.

Our Aims

To deliver a balanced education that focuses on the holistic development of the child.

To cultivate a love for learning in our pupils and to motivate them to excel academically, athletically, and artistically.

To empower our pupils to be happy, confident, and respectful individuals who contribute positively to the world.

Our Values


We will try our absolute best at all we do.

We believe in facing challenges head-on. We understand that mistakes are stepping stones in the learning journey. We aim to foster an environment where every pupil is encouraged to reach their potential.


We will take ownership of our own learning and actions.

We promote in our pupils a sense of responsibility towards their learning, actions, and school. As they grow, we guide them towards self-sufficiency.


We will conduct ourselves with integrity at all times.

We are committed to nurturing good human beings. We emphasise understanding the difference between right and wrong and always doing the right thing.


We will serve our school, one another and the local, wider and global community to the best of our ability.

We encourage our pupils to serve each other, the school community, and the wider world. We instil the importance of helping those less fortunate through charitable work and supporting the planet by learning about and implementing sustainable practices.


We will always aim to help, understand and support others. We will lead by example and always treat others as we would like to be treated.

Watch Our Values Videos Below:

Whole School Assemblies and Values Awards

Each week, our pupils gather for a whole school assembly at St Michael’s Church, Chester Square. This event unites the community, including parents and friends, to celebrate the children’s achievements and to share important announcements.

During these assemblies, a child from each year group is recognised for exemplifying one of our values. This not only commends their accomplishments but also inspires all pupils to embody these values daily.

While the school has a historical Christian ethos, we warmly welcome families and children of all religious denominations.

Open Morning
Thursday 20th March