
Eaton Square Prep School is committed to protecting the environment and reducing its carbon footprint on the planet on a daily basis. Our sustainability goals and values are embedded into the school curriculum from Nursery through to Year 6. Children learn about underwater animals in ‘Understanding The World’ nursery lessons, they learn about how plants grow in specialist Science lessons, and they learn about the impacts and effects of climate change in Upper Key Stage 2 Geography lessons. The consistent flow of sustainability themed lessons embedded into our curriculum and way of life at Eaton Square allows us to fly our Eco-School status flag high; an award that we are incredibly proud of. Our Eco School status is renewed every 2 years to ensure that our sustainability goals are up to date.

Driven by a pupil-led Eco Committee, our popular year-round eco activities range from the flourishing Gardening Club and litter picking on Eccleston Square, to taking part in The Big Bird Watch and creative upcycling projects in Art lessons. This year we celebrated World Environment Day by encouraging every child to wear sea life inspired recycled outfits and raise money for the Sea Life Trust. Children from Nursery to Year 6 made pledges of what they will do to protect the environment over the course of the next year.

Eaton Square Prep School is committed to doing all it can to improve the air quality of the surrounding area. We use Transport for London public transport whenever possible to travel to trips and events. We encourage our pupils to actively travel to and from school and take part in Walk to School Week every year. Over the past year we have been working hard to collate evidence for the TfL Travel for Life award which we hope to be awarded soon.

Please read our Sustainability Policy and Active Travel Policy.

We firmly believe in the developmental benefits of all of our sustainability goals – both to our pupils and to the surrounding environment.

Open Morning
Thursday 20th March