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John Levy Visits Eaton Square Sixth Form

1st March 2023
John Levy with others

At the beginning of this term, John Levy (Director at Friends of Israel Educational Foundation / Academic Study Group) was warmly welcomed at Eaton Square Sixth Form.

Educated in London, a Sociology graduate of Bedford College, John spent nearly a year as a social worker in South London, before joining the Zionist Federation, in 1970.  John is the Executive Director of The Academic Study Group on Israel and the Middle East, and the Friends of Israel Educational Foundation.  These educational Trusts seek to promote an informed and analytic understanding of Israel and the Middle East; and forge closer collaborative ties between academics and other experts in the UK and their professional counterparts in Israel.  John organises and delivers lecture programmes about these topics around the UK for Sixth Form and adult audiences.

During the visit to ES Sixth Form, John shared his expertise about the Middle East and Ukraine amongst our Year 12 cohort. He was very well-spoken about issues regarding these areas whilst being open and respectful about the differences in opinion that certain topics may present, this was evident when questions were brought up at the end of the session. Having meaningful and insightful conversations like this are so beneficial for our Year 12 students to assist them in understanding the ever-changing world that we live, but also entering such conversations in a safe place like ES Sixth Form, where students can learn and develop their personal understanding.