Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – ISA Awards Finalist!

19th October 2021
children holding hands in a circle

We are thrilled to announce that Eaton Square Prep School has been shortlisted as a Finalist for the ‘ISA Award for Excellence and Innovation in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’. These nationwide, prestigious education awards are judged by the Independent Schools Association; a charity dating back over a century.

At Eaton Square, we pride ourselves on celebrating every age, gender, nationality and more. From our annual events (such as International Week where the School becomes a buzz of workshops, languages, clothing and food celebrating the customs and cultures of the world) to termly campaigns like Language of the Term (where pupils act as ‘Language Ambassadors’ and enjoy language challenges, themed lunches, language taster sessions and more), linguistic and international diversity is particularly championed across our collaborative pupil, parent and staff body.

We are also incredibly proud of our ongoing ‘Eaton Cares’ campaign: a series of inspirational talks hosted by members of the School community, all following an overarching message of ‘Inclusion for All’. To date, parent speakers have educated and inspired us on the importance of equality in sectors ranging from banking and diplomacy to medicine and personal finance. We are hugely grateful to them and look forward to hosting many more.


To find out more about life at Eaton Square Prep and Nursery Schools, sign up for our upcoming Open Mornings here.

Open Morning

We invite you to experience
Eaton Square Prep School.

Join us for our next Open Morning on
Saturday 28th September 2024.

To book your place,
please fill out the form here.

We look forward to welcoming you to
Eaton Square Prep School.