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Coding and Robotics Week

6th May 2021

This week’s theme at Eaton Square Senior School was Coding and Robotics. Various activities took place across the school, all of which were designed to inspire our pupils and encourage them to further develop their computer coding skills.

To begin the week, pupils enjoyed a variety of ‘unplugged’ coding activities to understand the importance of logical thinking and accuracy when writing algorithms. Our Computer Science teacher, Dr Bekhti, delivered a fantastic whole school assembly exploring the vital significance of learning coding in this increasingly digital age.

A highlight of the week was without a doubt the creation of a robot arm. Our Robotics Club members managed to code a robot arm to play a labyrinth game, which was a fantastic achievement!

It is great to see such a clear passion for coding computer games among Eaton Square Senior School pupils. The skills and knowledge developed through coding practices will benefit their school and future work careers immensely. Watch this space!