Back To School!

We are thrilled to be welcoming all pupils back to Eaton Square Schools on Monday 8th March.

As always, pupil happiness and healthy development – across all aspects of their education – remain our priority. We will be doing all we can to ease all pupils’ transition back to physical school life.

We have several exciting plans for our school community for the remaining Spring and approaching Summer Terms. Ensuring that the children’s wellbeing and adjustment to being back at school in person are carefully supported, we will be introducing adapted after-school clubs, an increased focus on outdoor education, together with inter-school competitions and activities with our on-site children’s mental health counsellor. Watch this space to find out more!

We also look forward to our upcoming Open Morning on Friday 12th March. To secure your place, please click here.

Prospective parents are also warmly invited to contact our registrar Ann Potesta with any specific queries regarding school admissions and entry processes. To contact Ann, please click here.

Open Morning
Thursday 6th February