Students achieve fantastic results in inaugural year at Eaton Square Senior School

21st August 2020

It has been a difficult year for students everywhere as the covid-19 pandemic forced schools to close and home learning to commence. However, the GCSE pupils at Eaton Square Senior School did not let this get in their way, achieving fantastic results in their inaugural year.

The senior school opened in 2017 in a Grade 1 listed building on London’s iconic Piccadilly, opposite Green Park, to complement the Eaton Square family of schools which educate children from nursery age through to pre-prep and prep.

Overall, 97.5% of the school’s first GCSE cohort achieved grades 9-4 with 47.1% obtaining grades 7 or higher – equivalent to A-A* under the previous grading system.

In Maths and English Literature, 100% of students got a grade 9-4, and in English Language this was achieved by 95% of pupils.

Taking all grades into consideration the year group’s modal GCSE grade was 7 (A Grade equivalent).

While coronavirus meant that this year’s exams were not able to be sat, marking instead had to take into account teacher predictions based on previous mark exams and coursework results from throughout the year.

Caroline Townshend, Head of Eaton Square Senior School, was delighted with the students’ results.

She commented: “In what have been extraordinary circumstances, our inaugural GCSE results reflect the strength of Eaton Square Senior School’s academic programme and the hard work and determination of pupils and staff. I congratulate all pupils on their achievements and wish each and every one the very best in the next stage of their academic careers.”

To find out more about Eaton Square Senior School and the range of GCSE subjects:

Contact Annika Yerushalmy, Director of Marketing and Admissions for more information,

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