Eleanor Endeavors with JASS Programme and Fundraising

30th April 2020

Junior Award Scheme for Schools (JASS) is a progressive learning programme for young people which has been designed to recognise wider achievement.

The programme encourages pupils to partake in different activities outside of their learning time in the following categories.

  • My Interests: developing an interest or learning a new skill
  • Get Active, Stay Active: taking part in sport and physical activity
  • Me and My World: contributing to the local community
  • Adventure: outdoor activity and learning, including teamwork and problem solving

One of our year 5 pupils, Eleanor, has been working away towards her JASS project. There have been some small changes due to Coronavirus but she has come up with some fabulous substitutes to sustain her progress with the programme.

Get Active, Stay Active – Eleanor substituted her Horse riding lessons for running after the virus regulations were implemented. She started in January with half a mile and has now progressed to a 2.6 mile run for charity, which she completed in under 30 minutes.

My Interests – Here Eleanor focused on her drumming which was a new instrument to her at the start of Year 5. Since January she has completed well over eight hours of lessons.

Adventure – For this section Eleanor went on the skiing trip, which was her first-ever skiing experience and has written a ‘brochure’ to support it.

Me and My World – Before the virus breakout, Eleanor had planned on volunteering at one of her local foodbanks. Instead, she has worked on the following projects:

  • Supporting the NHS by creating Rainbow posters for our windows and cheering every Thursday at 8pm.
  • Researching and writing to local Nursing Homes to offer them bouquets of artificial flowers that she has created to cheer up residents.
  • A sponsored 2.6 mile run for the RSPCA as part of the 2.6 Challenge. She has written a personal statement about why the challenge was important to her and has written a letter to the RSPCA to let them know about her fundraising.

She has already flown past her fundraising target of £500! Whilst the fundraising is fantastic, it was as enjoyable to see her capitalise on her running progress which was a mental effort as well as a physical one.


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