Meet Miss Zanna, Head of Nurseries

31st May 2019

People suggest that Early Years are the most important years of a child’s life, is this true?

The Early Years form the foundations of any child’s life. A child’s Nursery Years are their first taste of school and surviving without their parent and of being independent in the big wide world. It is essential that their experience of school, wherever they go, is positive, caring and enriching. It is during these years that they learn how to form friendships and create relationships with others; they learn to share,/ take turns and discover what they are really good at and what they might need some help or support with. The Early Years should be a fun and wonderful time in a child’s life where they begin to gain a love of learning. They are most definitely the most important years. If they are positive, the next step is easy!

What are some of the advantages of attending a nursery that is part of a Prep School?

Children who enjoy attending a Nursery School that is part of a Prep School, are fortunate enough to benefit from the opportunities that a school offers. They can take part in activities that older children might engage in, they also experience older and so, therefore, bigger children around them. This helps them so very much when they are transitioning into Reception, the leap is not so huge. The children are already familiar with the staff and certain activities which might cause them anxiety if they had not come across them before and generally, they are excited to be moving into Reception, rather than worried. They usually just want to wear a uniform and have a school lunch! It also eases the anxiety that parents may have about their children going to “big school”. They too will be less anxious as they are already familiar with the environment, the staff and the routines.

What is your favourite Early Years activity?

EAD – Expressive Arts and Design! I love the creativity of the Early Years Curriculum and thankfully in the Early Years, you can incorporate art and creativity into all 7 areas of the curriculum. Messy play is a firm favorite of mine!

What has been your favourite memory at Eaton Square so far?

I have been working at Eaton Square for some years now and I have too many favorite memories to begin to list. However, we have enjoyed some wonderful garden parties during my years at the school, which will always make me smile when I think of them. Many of them have involved a Punch & Judy, traditional British summer party games, bubble blowing, wonderful picnic lunches and smiling happy children playing in the sunshine (and the rain!) In the Early Years, we are very good at creating and enjoying parties to celebrate things together. The most recent was our Royal Wedding street style party in Eaton Square Gardens last year, to celebrate the wedding of the now, Duke and Duchess of Sussex. A wonderful sunny summers day, with all of our Nursery Schools and the Pre-Prep having fun together. I am looking forward to creating more fond memories at Eaton Square.