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Nelson Mandela Exhibition

28th May 2019

On Thursday 23rd May, the Year 10 GCSE History and Year 9 Religious Studies pupils attended The Nelson Mandela Exhibition at Leake Street Gallery.

The exhibition was an essential cultural experience that enriched our learning and understanding of our history. During the exhibition, we first encounter Nelson Mandela as a child and explore how each stage of his life shaped his journey to becoming the globally recognised face of the anti-apartheid struggle and South Africa’s first black president.

The immersive multi-media experience explored how and why Mandela chose to walk the path of reconciliation rather than of conflict; encourages identification with a strong sense of political awakening and will provide hope for a just and equality based future for all. The exhibition included content that roots Mandela to the UK, including the anti-apartheid activity of high-profile politicians, musicians and that of ordinary British people.

The exhibition gave us a deeper insight into the life of the activist, revealing many things that we didn’t before; from the different names he was known as to the powerful impact he had on the masses all around the world. From this exhibition we learnt that having courage and perseverance is a key factor to achieving your goals no matter how big or small they are. Nelson Mandela is an inspirational leader who taught us to always be kind and stay true to our beliefs.

From Carlota, Maxim, Abdulrahman