Reception Class at Forest School

Reception class has been taking part at Forest School in Holland Park this half term.

Forest School education promotes the development of children’s emotional and physical development through collaboration, outdoor play, activities and exploration in a woodland setting. Spending time in the Forest School on a regular basis is a wonderful chance for children to connect with nature and learn new skills.

The Forest School is run by the Ecology Centre, the curriculum is based around what the children discover in the forest and upon directed tasks. The programme helps to build children’s self-esteem, communication skills, independence and self-confidence, whilst at the same time enhancing the children’s learning.

What is Forest School?

Outdoor learning in a natural setting where children are exposed to new concepts, nature and challenges.

What do the children learn at Forest School?

So much!  They are always reminded of the safety rules – if you touch holly, you won’t be jolly, stay in twos to be safe and then we go to the nest where we talk about the weekly topic.

We have made stick men, found different objects the length of our hand, forearm and fingernail, played games with a nature aspect and played a range of games.  The children also have the opportunity to have some time to explore and play in the forest with their friends before coming back to talk about their adventures and have a warming hot chocolate at the nest (our base camp).

Why Forest School benefits the children?

  • Learning by experience – first hand!
  • a chance to get close to nature
  • New language and terminology
  • increased independence and confidence

Open Morning
Thursday 6th February