Nutrition Talks

4th June 2018

Yesterday we were delighted to have Holroyd Howe’s nutritionist, Sally Crewe, come in to speak to the children in Year 2-6 about nutrition and healthy eating.  The talks were incredibly informative and engaging and the children loved finding out about different food groups and what makes a healthy diet.  Sally also set up a ‘sugar content’ display table outside the lunchrooms, which sparked heated debates about the sugar content in various food items.   After the talks the children were all going down to lunch talking about having a balanced meal, with a mix of protein, carbohydrates and vegetables/fruit to give them energy for the afternoon.  I was pleased to see that all of the children looked very happy with their lunch today; wholemeal pasta with meatballs in tomato sauce and mixed vegetables.  Lots of the children were also helping themselves to salad, brown bread, eggs and seeds from the daily salad bar to add to their main meal!


Open Morning

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Eaton Square Prep School.

Join us for our next Open Morning on
Saturday 28th September 2024.

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please fill out the form here.

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Eaton Square Prep School.