Recent Sports Results






Some recent sports results – a pretty successful week for ESS!


Monday, February 23: U.11/10/9/8 Swimming Gala v Kew Prep (H) WON 174-73

Wednesday, February 25: U.8A/B Football v Eaton House Belgravia (H) LOST 1-2; WON 1-0

Wednesday, February 25: IAPS REGIONAL SWIMMING ROUNDS. No results will be available until the end of term but we are very hopeful of the U.10 “Dream” Team qualifying – Pietro, Henry, Harry and Juan.

Thursday, February 26: U.11 Gymnastics v Garden House (A) Ayaa – Bronze Medal

Friday, February 27: 1st XII Rugby v Knightsbridge School (A) WON 10-0

Friday, February 27: 2nd XII Touch Rugby v Knightsbridge School (A) WON 35-25

Monday, March 2: U13/U12/U11/U10/U9/U8 Swimming Gala v Westminster Under (H) WON 143-113


Rocco, Year 5, is currently sitting in 3rd place in the Fencing LPJS U11 national league at present – it’s not finished yet but Rocco is excellently positioned to make a run for the title (even being a year younger than many boys competing).

Open Morning
Thursday 20th March