
Life Cycle of a Plant

Before half term, the Knightsbridge children have been learning about the life cycle of a plant. They have been busy planting sunflower seeds and painting their interpretations of Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’. The children at Belgravia planted seeds with their teachers. They also learnt how to take care of plants and flowers by watering them…

Digestion Investigation

This half-term Year 6 are learning about nutrition, digestion and excretion of humans and other animals. They began the topic learning about balanced diets and what happens if we eat too much or too little of particular nutrients. They then learnt that owls eat their prey whole, including bones and fur. Owls then regurgitate these…

Year 1s Spend the Day as Victorians!

The children started the week off with a school trip to the Victorian Ragged School Museum!  They dressed as Victorian children and experienced what it was like in a Victorian classroom with a Victorian teacher and rules – very different to the classrooms of Eaton Square! In the afternoon, the children took part in a workshop focused…