
Life Cycle of a Plant

Before half term, the Knightsbridge children have been learning about the life cycle of a plant. They have been busy planting sunflower seeds and painting their interpretations of Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’. The children at Belgravia planted seeds with their teachers. They also learnt how to take care of plants and flowers by watering them…

Digestion Investigation

This half-term Year 6 are learning about nutrition, digestion and excretion of humans and other animals. They began the topic learning about balanced diets and what happens if we eat too much or too little of particular nutrients. They then learnt that owls eat their prey whole, including bones and fur. Owls then regurgitate these…

Year 5 Trip to Royal Observatory

  Year five enjoyed their trip to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich last week. The Royal Observatory is known for its role in the history of astronomy and navigation. They also enjoyed the skyline of London on top of the hill.

STEAM week

This week has been STEAM week (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics.) Throughout the week we have participated in assemblies, workshops and school trips! A mad scientist came in to give demonstrations to the boys and girls, including making “elephant toothpaste” using different chemicals to make an exothermic reaction (a reaction that gives off heat)…