11+ and 13+ Offers Success

2nd March 2023
11+ offers 2023

It is with great pride that we share Eaton Square Prep School’s 11+ offers from the 22/23 academic year. As always, the pupils have achieved immense success, both in the number and variety of Senior Schools who have made offers of places and scholarships.

St Paul’s, Dulwich College, Putney High, City of London, JAGS, Alleyn’s, Latymer Upper, Eaton Square Senior School and Godolphin & Latymer… These are just some of the 28 leading UK secondary schools who have made 11+ offers to Eaton Square pupils this year. In addition, several pupils have proceeded to the next stages of their 13+ applications. Schools include Eton, Harrow, Wellington and Westminster.

Alongside exemplifying the commitment, talent and academic strength of the pupils, the results also highlight the importance Eaton Square Prep School places on the individual requirements of each child. Headmistress Mrs Watt says, “As part of our Senior School preparation process, we focus on the unique passions, strengths and future wishes of each pupil and their family, enabling us to advise them – and guide them to reach – the best future school. Given the breadth of offers achieved from both single-sex and co-educational day and boarding schools, we are delighted to have achieved these results.

Nelson Mandela famously said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Given the impressive 11+ results of our Year 6 cohort, Eaton Square pupils continue to show every sign that they will indeed go on to “change the world”.

A wholehearted congratulations to each and every one of Eaton Square’s Year 6 pupils.

For the full list of Schools who have offered places to our Year 6 Class of 2022-23, please click here.


For further details and/or to find out more about life at Eaton Square, please contact the Admissions Manager: registrar@eatonsquareschools.com