STEAM – A particular strength of Eaton Square

steam science eaton square school

With less than 3 weeks until our Autumn Open Morning (Saturday 1st October – sign up here), we are thrilled to share this fantastic piece on what ‘true learning’ really means in the twenty-first century and how Eaton Square Prep School excels in delivering this.

The piece, published by School House (a prestigious guide into the world of independent education), explores Eaton Square’s three-pronged approach to learning: academic learning; learning about one’s self and learning to respect and thrive in the modern world.

It particularly praises the School’s academic success, stating, ‘Eaton Square pupils consistently achieve impressive 11+ results, without a pressurised ‘hot-house’ environment’ and ‘STEAM is a particular strength of Eaton Square’. 

Read the piece in full here.


The best way to discover Eaton Square Prep School is to visit us! Sign up for our next Open Morning here.

Open Morning
Thursday 20th March