Remote Learning

Back To School!

We are thrilled to be welcoming all pupils back to Eaton Square Schools on Monday 8th March. As always, pupil happiness and healthy development – across all aspects of their education – remain our priority. We will be doing all we can to ease all pupils’ transition back to physical school life. We have several…

11+ and 13+ Success

Year 6 pupils at Eaton Square Prep School have not let lockdown hinder their academic future. We are delighted to announce that senior school offers and scholarships have been coming in thick and fast. For a year group of 64 pupils, an impressive 24 scholarships have been awarded at the time of writing. This is an incredible triumph…

Choosing A London Senior School

Are you seeking advice on both selecting and securing a place at the best London senior schools? If so, we warmly invite you to an upcoming talk on ‘Choosing a London Senior School’. Hosted online by the London Parents Forum, our Principal Sebastian Hepher will be joined by other leading London education specialists to discuss…

Reception’s week of online learning…

The Reception children are doing so well online and at home; well done to everyone involved! In Maths this week the children have been learning about lines of symmetry and repeating patterns.  The children made lovely symmetrical drawings and paintings and used a range of different materials to from around their house to create patterns. …

Open Morning
Thursday 20th March