Prize Giving 2018

We had our prize giving day at St Michael’s church in Victoria, a perfect place to round off the academic year as we attend the church every week. It was a great occasion to reminisce the fantastic year the students have had and say farewell and good luck to the year 6 students. The celebration began with a speech by the Executive Head of Eaton Square Schools Group, Sebastian Hepher where he summed-up the achievements and the events that have taken place for this academic year.

The event included:

Flute solo by Anna Novoselova 4G.

Cello solo by Jessica Griffiths 6N.

A speech of their time at Eaton Square School by Head Boy, Gabriel Descorps and Head Girl Mackenzie Wagner.

Singing solo by Emma Hamilton.

A performance of two songs from the school choir.

Assigning the new prefects and new Head Boy and Girl.

Students were then awarded prizes for effort, attainment and excellence in specific subjects.

It was a great morning and we are very proud of what the students have managed to achieve this year and we hope they all have a fantastic summer.

Open Morning
Thursday 20th March