Month: November 2016

The Eaton Share – 25th November 2016

From the Headmaster….. I have seen a number of pupils this week, both individually and collectively, who have been keen to show me what they have been up to in the classroom. It is always lovely to see how the children are progressing and indeed the pride they have in their work. I have been…

The Eaton Share – 18th November 2016

From the Headmaster….   On Sunday morning the Head Boy and Head Girl, and their deputies, laid wreaths at the Green Rifles Remembrance Service in Grosvenor Gardens. It was a memorable occasion and the pupils carried off their duties with great dignity and aplomb. The rifles were delighted to have them there and I am…

The Eaton Share – 11th November 2016

From the Headmaster….   What a week it has been. The lead up to the US election brought with it a large amount of interest from out pupils and there were many debates and discussions to be heard in the corridors and classrooms; we also touched upon it in assemblies too.   Please download the…

The Eaton Share – 4th November 2016

From the Headmaster:   Having spoken with many of the children Half Term appears to have been an enjoyable and productive time; revision included! The first week back seems to have flown by, as ever.   Please download the newsletter: The Eaton Share 4th November 2016

The Eaton Share – 19th October 2016

From the Headmaster: This will be the last Newsletter of the Half before the children have a well earned break. They have been so actively engaged and involved during the last six weeks that I am sure they will welcome the opportunity to slow down for a few days…. Please download the newsletter: The Eaton…