Month: February 2016

The Eaton Share – 26th February 2016

From the Headmaster….   Time travels very quickly it seems and we are already into the last half of the Spring Term. As you know, school pupils enjoy a good joke and they are often expert at having a swift quip or response to one another and, on occasion, the staff too. This was brilliantly…

New Menus are out

Following the introduction of the Holroyd Howe catering team, the new menus are available and can be viewed and downloaded here:    

11+ Exams and 13+ Pre Test Results

I have had the first rounds of results in for the girls 11+, boys 11+ and Pre Tests and 13+ entry exams. I am delighted with the results so far and they bode well for the 13+ Common Entrance exams in June. I list below the schools where our pupils have won places (* represents…

The Eaton Share – 12th February 2016

From the Headmaster….   As we approach the Half Term break and the mid-point of the academic year it is lovely to be able to report how well the children have been working in 2016. In all cases they have been applied and focused, making great progress along the way and always with enjoyment. This…

The Eaton Share – 5th February 2016

From the Headmaster…. I must begin this week’s contribution by thanking the PTA for their time and generosity in organising such an enjoyable Teacher Appreciation Breakfast on Wednesday. As with all things these events take a great deal of organisation and it was certainly worth it. My colleagues and I felt truly spoilt. Please download…